Friday, February 6, 2009


I go to the out, for the in is too tough
amongst all the cold, shortlisted stuff
God has a black blanket

The world all draped in comfort, yet stiff
my forehead cringes for all time, I whiff
some narcotic's strained smell

somehow I sit, forced down by all such vice;
icicles stab my clothes down, to much suffice
my weighty syndrome cerebral

my cavern is bright, cascading celestial cover
I bound right on through, only to discover
a fresh vantage point

mostly pillars surround me, riddled adieu
a cringe up my spine, a shiver rivers through
where I came from, silence

all the bleak surrounds under, warmth so far
He has sought not to cover me in such tar
in the distance, glimmer

teleportation celestial, mired in blindness
covered in holes, but yet full of kindness
my heart skips beat two, three

a February seizure in blatant comforted sight
spheres to dilate and absorb the coming light
blissful mental meltdown

within the fondue, a new idea shall ferment
and as I delve deeper, my soul succumbs to cement
meaning had once a life

a river runs through, and capsizes my vesseled
falling deeper and deeper, a crunch over nestled
thoughts bleed old adages

pizza crusted in blood, movements stay unchanged
situated so far from recurrences very deranged
forced here, it all makes sense

a damn bursts forth, buoyancy comes soon after
higher and higher, touching near the blind rafter
swan dive into the sky

the moon shows no mercy, allowing me no nearer
gravity takes aim, cross hairs like some mirror
my shattered pieces gouge

the earth so much closer, some directly in parts
not diamonds in the clear, but a kind of bartz
I reflect the madness

here comes the tiger, to help gather what's left
in the forest, even she, should not be so deft
sharp edges make her pay

my eyes, remain fixed on Diana all the higher
rain falls and coats me, I'll never be drier
forever I'll not move

so fade on into oblivion, never to be seen
layers of dust pile high, up above not a gene
laying in my coffin

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