Sunday, January 18, 2009


so I just read the whole Twilight I know what you're thinking: WHAT A FUC*ING HYPOCRITE!! I know I know. What can I say, sometimes I delver down into the hypocritic (not in fact a word) road. That's sorta kinda the reason why I have not been on the blogger lately - cuz I've been reading those 4 books.

*Spoiler Alert*

Did I like them? Good question. I was not emotionally invested in any of the characters as I would have been with, say, a Ron Weasley or Professor Dumbledore - that having been said, this is not a Harry Potter killer whatsoever. In comparison, it sucks really bad. Does it hold its own though? As a series, no, it doesn't. There are a lot of plot inconsistencies. Like the book ending to fast, or there being no resolution or conclusion whatsoever. The last book has a fight that seems like it is going to come the ENTIRE last 4th of the book. Does it happen? Hell no. There is a fight scene at the end of the first book, and you never see what happens. Apparently Stephanie Meyer has a problem with violence if it involves more than one person. It's more about emotional pain and suffering. That's perfectly fine. THEN DON'T ENTICE US TO THE POINT WHERE WE THINK THAT IT'S GONNA HAPPEN! There's a talking baby, werewolves, neurotic father, overbearing mother, eternally cold vampires; these things combined with the crappy plots and the unendearing characters make it a pain to read. But people don't pay attention to those things.

Why did I keep coming back? Honestly I don't know. If I had to pinpoint the reason, it would lie, not with Charlie, Jacob, any of his pack, Washington, the Volturi, or Renesmee (gah). It would lie with Edward and Bella. And that is the book's selling point. A love story that seems like it has been done before, a billion times. It's forbidden. Human and vampire just doesn't seem natural. One is mortal and the other is immortal. There is a break and a lot of emotional anguish. They end up back together again and live happily ever after. Blah blah blah. You could probably predict all of the book's events between them and be right 3/4 of the time. The only reason I say that is because there are some things you don't know - like the origins and the character's names.

Then why did I read? I like to feel good about myself. We all like to feel good about ourselves. We like to extend our belief outside of the possible window and imagine a life where there is only the circumstances of a book. We like to think we are experiencing what is going on, like love, loss, and regained assurance about ourselves. If this is occurring in our minds then certainly it must be possible in real life! We like to think it is possible. Coincidences are not apart of our lives, but we like to think they are. And that is where the magic in this book lies. If we suspend reality long enough to believe that, yes, we are in love or, yes, we have emotions that reach to the very inward part of ourselves - we can like anything. Yet, this series of books really makes you feel for edward and bella. Nobody else though. Fu*k everyone else. This series is about the vampire and the young lady. Thing is, I didn't connect myself to Edward whatsoever. He is so far and above me, he is like a vampiric...well, Jesus. Perfection for the male psyche. He serves as a aspiration for my soul, for my love life. He can do no wrong. Given, he has had a century to perfect himself. Men, we can all learn from Edward's example. Bella, on the other hand, is not to be aspired to - but to connect to. She has all the human shortcomings we all do - impatience, pain, idiocy, incompetence, annoying, and yet, is beautiful. She experiences what all humans experience and shows that it is possible to get through such pain. This book is about achieving perfection and the way it feels to have it. It is also about unrequited love, which we all aspire to. It gets at you and it stays there. This book is by no means revolutionary, but it is different enough that we can believe it is. Bella and Edward are the stars of the show and the other characters revolve around them. There are, in that case, no other characters.

And that is why I read them and read past the first few pages into the last, disappointing plot point. If you wanna feel good about yourself, there is no better book out there. But it still depends.

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