Saturday, December 20, 2008

it took awhile, but here I am again, offering up words of wisdom where I see there may be needed...and no, I do not care if the previous sentence made a lick of sense...

The Salvation Army's Bell Ringers - You leave a holiday store, bent out of shape, tired, and hungry due to a day of shopping and you're trying to get to your car. When out of the blue, an annoyingly loud bell noise cuts through the air and rips out your eardrums, throbbing them continuously as they roll out onto the ground. You just want to go...but they are giving you a splitting headache, to add to the other aches and pains of your body, as you reach your car. DAMMIT! WE GOT THE IDEA!! PUT THE MONEY IN THE RED CASE THING IN FRONT OF YOU!!! YOU DON'T HAVE TO RING THAT F***IN BELL ANYMORE!!!! I got it...I really do. Not all of America is that stupid...stupid salvation army.

Activision - Face it, if you played guitar hero, it was at 3...most of America had their guitar start off at number 3. I'm dreadfully sorry folks of America. Activision, best known for their Tony Hawk franchise, done f***ed up the franchise of guitar hero. But does anyone care?? NO! They are going to keep on buying that damn game, because of different songs, a different set up, and yes, the GUITAR HERO logo. Its product placement, just like the Wii brand and name. People will buy it...but won't look at the developer. With Guitar Hero World Tour, they messed up a drum design, that most have been proven broke by the time it was brought home, with lackluster graphics, a crappy creative music section, and downloadable features that don't amount to its competitor...Rock Band. Do yourself a favor and realize that Harmonix was the reason Guitar Hero 1 and 2 were so good...and they left to pursue Rock Band. A name does not make a game...the developer does. Do yourself a favor and ignore Guitar Hero, it had its magnificent run; turn to rock band.

"Friends" who take advantage of you for your stuff, mock you openly in public, seemingly has no pleasure factor when being around you, and are themselves around you but not around others when they are also with you - 'nuff said

Liars - Nothing like a good liar to ruin a perfectly good day. Quite simply put, someone who has pledged themselves to you, only to turn their back on you at the last minute, when you need them the most. Mistreatment, abuse, and pain abound when you have put faith in that person and only live to see it thrown back in your face as firecly as you admonished it. They think everything is still alright now, but they still suck as a person.

Once again, I'll continue this later...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Mind and its Irks

"...and here we go again." I said to myself this morning when I woke up. Yet another day when I feel numb to the world. I don't really know what to do, to be honest. As soon as my dad announces that it is time to shop for my mother's christmas gifts, Jeter, my lovable miniature schnauzer, jets up the stairs, and my bed for that matter, and attacks me. I'm never given time for thoughts during the semester and oftentimes I am glad for that time, because I don't have to think for myself...just for my grades, friends, and how I can have fun. Well sure, that is a good thing I suppose, but I never really have THOUGHT thought to myself anytime soon.

Naturally, I have problems with the world around me (my exes can vouch for that) and this leads to inward irks with the surrounding landscape that is my life. I don't voice them though, I only do so if asked or if something angers me I simply let it out in a violent burst. My parents and my physician think its because of anxiety of school, life, and what I am going to do after my school is over. Maybe so, but don't you think medication might be taking it too far? I am not some little kid destined to be put on this "Ritalin" to help me pay attention to the immediate world more often rather than what I want to do next. Sometimes I wonder if I am even in control of what I do day to day to others or to myself. I wonder if this is just my brain taking a break and letting my emotions get the best of me or if I really am doing this. Whatever the case, these meds have definitely done one singular thing to me that I know of, I am a lot calmer and I care less.

I mean just the other week I broke up with my most recent ex and got over in in the span of 8 hours. 8 HOURS!!! Would the Drew you know be able to do that, especially given the 9 months beforehand? Oh no. Not even Drew himself believed it. I finished my exam the next day, and I got back and I laughed. I didn't care! I just don't care anymore. And like everything that is great, there is always the double edge of the sword of awesome that can cut you as well. Dammit. Maybe I am headed in the right direction? Hell if I know anything regarding to what I want or need. There are things that I do know however.

Over the past year I have noticed things...things that piss me off, royally. Things that I don't want to have anything to do with, yet find me anyways in the forms of friends, co-workers, and family. *sigh* Here is a list of things that I could care less about, or that really piss me off (don't worry, I'll make it known which applies to which in the paragraphs that follow).

Twilight - Oooooooooooo, I have been waiting and WAITING painful nights and afternoons to say what I am about to say about this. A vampire in love? WTF?! I want to see them sucking blood not can fill in the rest of that sentence. There are a lot of goths, tweens and teens, and, yes, even the college students who I have grown to be apart of, who are associated with this...droll, meager, and simply pathetic attempt at writing. Don't get me wrong...Stephanie Meyer apparently knew what she was doing when she wrote these books, because I see that they are the newest thing to read. But kids, tweens, teens, and college students, whom I have lost respect for a whole bunch in regards to their readings, have taken this craze too far. The movie came out...critics panned it, I'm never watching it (not that it matters what I think), and yet audiences went in droves to watch what face (not necks) Edward Cullen was going to suck. What in the hot firey reaches of Hades is every single girl's fantasy with a guy that just became famous overnight with a movie that sucks? The Guy doesn't even have a skin tone!! But wait, maybe he does but he has been makeuped a whole shit load. I lose respect for any guy who thinks he can attract a girl because of a pale appearance. Granted I've never seen the movie or read the books...and thus I am being incredibly biased. I know this. I am one to admit my faults. But then again, I find myself thinking "Drew, didn't you go through the same thing with Harry Potter?" Maybe you're right anonymous voice in the back of my head, but magic killed in those books, PEOPLE DIED. Now, excuse me, you don't even know what happens in a fight at the end of Twilight (or so I'm told). Genuis writing, or is it a capitalist method of writing, meant to pull in droves of girls (and their hapless boyfriends) into a world where things are contradictory, right is wrong, and, yes, vampires don't suck blood? Like I said, I haven't read the books or watched the movie. But seriously, I'm going with the latter.

Nintendo - I'll keep this one short and sweet, because I know most of you have your jaws on the floor when you hear that I am pissed off with nintendo. But it is most shocking to me. A year that the gaming industries' hugest and best selling monolith company was on top of the world and outselling the XBOX 360 and the PS3 by 3:1 ratio, and fails to satiate the fervent and hardcore fans' tastes for what they have been craving for a ninteno console, and it is considered an amazing year in success? Nintendo, for shame. You release Super Smash Bros. Brawl...and then Wii Fit, Wii Music, and Animal Crossing?!?! Everyone has a wii now...or still wants one, and they all are going to want what comes before the main instance of the entertainment...WIIfit, WIImusic, WIIsports, WIIplay...if it says Wii, it will sell in America. My Video Game company of choice has let me down...and it expects me to continue buying its games. I will, out of spite, but I am just utterly and defensively devastated to hear that nintendo hardly has any more plans next year. Where's Zelda, Mario, Kirby, Star Fox, Metroid, and Pikmin?! Where are the main reasons that I bought this system? Why has Nintendo thrown the hardcore gamer in the dust? Simply for a selling fad that makes a couple of dollars and continues to leave its fanbase bored half to death?

I'll continue this later...